Start your engine with the right apps.
App Station
Introducing MiROS
Program your robot in minutes
Web-based ROS Development.
Graphical User Interface.
Save time and money.
All Wheelbot ROS Packages are pre-installed in MiROS App.
We highly recommend to download MiROS.
Wheelbot Apps
ROS Packages (Humble)
This package is crucial for enabling robot functionality and communication with the chassis controller. The primary script “turn_on_wheeltec_robot.launch” must be used upon each boot to configure ROS 2 and controller.
Contains launch files to launch rviz with custom configuration for Pickerbot Pro.
SLAM Mapping and localisation package with custom configuration for Pickerbot Pro.
Rapidly exploring random tree algorithm - This package enables Pickerbot Pro to plan a path to it’s desired location, by launching exploration nodes.
Convenient package for validating robot functionality and controlling using the keyboard, including from remote host PC.
ROS 2 Navigation 2 node package.
ROS 2 Lidar package for configuring Leishen M10/N10.
Joystick control package, contains launch files for Joystick nodes.
Basic object and line following algorithms using either laser scan or depth camera.
Astra depth camera package with drivers and launch files.
Remote Control Mobile Apps
Tap this icon from your iPhone to download the remote control app.
Tap this icon from your Android phone to download the remote control app.
Disk Images
Rosbot Family
ROS 1 and ROS 2 disk images for Rosbot, Rosbot Pro and Rosbot Plus.
Mecabot Family
ROS 1 and ROS 2 disk images for Mecabot, Mecabot Pro, Mecabot Plus and Mecabot X.
Robofleet Family
ROS 1 and ROS 2 disk images for Robofleet with Jetson Nano or TX Computer.
3D STP Files
Rosbot Family
STP files for Rosbot, Rosbot Pro and Rosbot Plus compatible with Gazebo.
Mecabot Family
STP files for Mecabot, Mecabot Pro and Mecabot Plus compatible with Gazebo.
Pickerbot Family
STP files for Pickerbot Mini compatible with Gazebo.
URDF Files
Rosbot Family
URDF files for Rosbot, Rosbot Pro and Rosbot Plus.
Mecabot Family
URDF files for Mecabot, Mecabot Pro and Mecabot Plus.
Unitree GitHub
ROS 1 and ROS 2 GitHub Repositories
Smart Hands
ROS 2 Foxy Packages and Installation Instructions.