Pickerbot X

Next Generation
Pick & Place Mobile Robot

Mobile Robotics Computer
Powered by Jetson Orin
Audio and Vision A.I. Kits
Visual ROS Programming
Screen, Keyboard & Mouse

Rosbot &
Mecabot Upgrades

  • HD - heavy duty

  • TS - touch screen

  • AC - auto charge

Introducing G1

A Kungfu Robot
my guard, my guy, my G1!

Unitree Go2-W

Run faster
Glide smoother
Climb higher

2 can play that game

hand in hand we can

Introducing Smart Hands - dexterous hands powered by A.I.

Global Partnership with Robotshop

Robotshop is the largest robotic online store in the world. Roboworks is selling to North America, Europe, UK and Asia Pacific region via Robotshop.

Voice of Customers

Hear the voice of our customers around the world. Roboworks for robomakers in Edu & Research markets.

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Our Partners

  • AgileX

  • UNSW

  • Unitree

  • Wheeltec

  • Elephant Robotics

  • LimX Robotics

As technology continues to advance at a breakneck speed, Roboworks have turned their attention and efforts to creating robots that can fulfil roles which are traditionally undertaken by humans. Tasks that have previously been viewed as tedious, repetitive or an inefficient use of manpower can now successfully be performed by our innovative range of robot assistants.

The exponential advances in technology that have been witnessed in recent years are more than evident in the world of robotics, and at Roboworks we have a commitment to developing robots that are able to benefit society in a broad spectrum of applications. From fruit picking, to performing room service duties at hotels across the globe and polishing or cleaning, robots are already widely used performing tasks that are considered tedious or labour intensive for humans to perform.

However, there are countless opportunities still to be explored and the development of innovative new robots is at the heart of our operation. We operate in close collaboration with the University of New South Wales not just in research and development of new projects but also in education. We believe that as robotics advances an understanding of programming, integration and design is paramount for upcoming generations. Furthermore, at Roboworks we have Australian Govt. support for our research projects that are focused on providing solutions for the agricultural and mining industries.

The underlying technology is focused on ROS compatible robots and in particular the Rosbot. The Rosbot is an autonomous open-source robot running platform that is equally at home as a learning platform or as a base for performing a variety of tasks. At Roboworks we supply the Rosbot in various manifestations such as the Rosbot Pro, Mini or 4WDIS but all are ROS ready for your prototyping or development. Equipped with all the appropriate software and hardware including LiDAR and depth cameras Rosbot is perfectly suited for numerous applications where an autonomous outdoor AGV is required or indeed for situations that necessitate a programmable mobile robot. 

Roboworks has several fully developed projects that incorporate Rosbot, including the Pickerbot, which with an exceptional degree of accuracy is utilised in picking and gathering soft fruits such as strawberries, mangos and tomatoes, Transbot that incorporates a cooler box for transporting food and beverages, Zorro which performs floor cleaning and polishing and Runnerbot which found a welcome place in hotel room service, especially when face to face contact was discouraged because of Covid19.

Also available are components fundamental to creating a ROS robot, such as the high spec ROScube which is a ROS 2 enabled robotic controller and the ROScube Pico range which features an integrated development board which is designed to expedite and facilitate further development through open-source ROS packages. Also integral to AGVs is the 2nd generation 3D LiDAR produced by Yujin, which offers a wide field of 360 x 80 degrees and precise 3D mapping.

All of our products are available through our partners, Robotshop who have a global reach, selling to the USA, Asia, Europe as well as here in Australia.

Robotics and the use of AI robots is at the forefront of changes to the way in which we all live, and in years to come, will fulfill are more and more roles whether in applications in industry, customer service or education, robots are and will continue to be an integral part of our lives.

The Runnerbot is already utilised in more than 1000 hotels worldwide where it is used as an in-room food and drink delivery robot. Once programmed the Runnerbot is simple to use and takes the leg work away from members of staff who may be better employed on other tasks. 

Able to find its way to any room as required, the Runnerbot has its cargo placed in the secure compartment within and then is sent off to make a room service delivery. It is supplied with obstacle avoidance technology, can wirelessly call and ride in elevators, selecting the appropriate floor from which to disembark, before arriving outside the selected room, alerting the guest via a phone call. The guest can then open the compartment, safely collect their ordered items before sending the Runnerbot away with the simple push of a button. The Runnerbot will then automatically return to its charging station before being used again.

And as a café or restaurant delivery robot Runnerbot can efficiently deliver menus, meals and drinks to specified tables as requested

This robot not only saves on human effort but also reduces direct contact between staff and guests, which in the time of a pandemic is a massive advantage in reducing the spread of infection. Cleary this has applications in a multitude of other scenarios, not least of all in the medical world as a hospital delivery robot, where reducing unnecessary contact between patients, nurses and other medical staff has even greater significance. Doctors would be able to send documents, files x-rays and the like from department to department with minimal interpersonal contact and greatly reducing the time they spend on unproductive tasks.

Employing similar technology is the Transbot, the standard version of which is equipped with an onboard fridge, which can be externally charged or powered directly from the robot, and can keep food and drinks chilled for 4 hrs. With a mini 4WD, the Transbot is suited for outdoor as well as indoor work, being particularly well suited for use at picnics, fairs and outdoor events. Minor modifications such as removing the fridge converts the Transbot into an effective inner-city or indoor courier for non-perishable items.

The Runnerbot and Transbot are designed as transport and delivery robots but there are other robots in our stable. The Pickerbot uses Lidar (light detection and radar) technology in its operation which is to pick and collect fruits such as oranges, mangos and tomatoes whilst the Zorro’s application is in the grinding, polishing or sanding of floor areas.

Technology is here to benefit everyone. Contact us today to discover the full extent of how our technology can benefit you.

Continual advances in robot technologies have resulted in the tasks that robots can undertake becoming ever more complex whist at the same time requiring less specialist skills to operate them. And as technologies become more readily accessible there has been a global decrease in the cost of purchasing robots, which in turn has increased demand for robots.

At Roboworks we supply a range of robots that can be utilised to fulfil a variety of differing tasks from polishing and grinding floors to delivering goods to hotel rooms, but our most iconic robot is probably the Pickerbot, which was initially developed to pick tomatoes. With a degree of accuracy that allows the Pickerbot to pick soft fruits without causing damage, the 6-way axis robotic arm and 4WD independent suspension that are features of this robot, now extends the range of outdoor applications that the Pickerbot is suitable for to the construction and mining industries, as well as agriculture.

Fairly recent additions to our catalogue are the Mecabot family of robots that incorporates the standard Mecabot, Mecabot Pro, Mecabot Plus and Mecabot X, all of which are mecanum wheel robots; mecanum is a type of tireless wheel featuring rubberized rollers attached to the circumference of the rim, typically at a 45° angle. This configuration allows movement in any direction, making the robot extremely manoeuvrable and suitable for operation in tight or confined spaces. 

The standard Mecabot was developed as an educational and research tool and is considered to be suitable for beginners, which is reflected in its low price and compact design. The first upgrade is the Mecabot Pro a larger and stronger version designated as the ideal platform for an Autonomous Mobile Robot for use both indoors and outdoors. The Mecabot Plus, however, is ideally suited as an AMR for indoor use and is probably the best option for rapid prototyping and development as a service robot. At the top of the range sits the Mecabot X, which shares many of the features of the Plus but with a full metallic enclosure making it a ready to ship item for your target market.

The whole Mecabot family utilise ROS, which is globally acknowledged as the most popular operating system for robots, and either ROS1 or ROS 2 can be used – and with dozens of free tutorials on our website, getting started and getting the best out of your robots is a simple matter.

The range of applications in which robots are used in today’s society is ever growing and not likely to change in the near future; robots are now an intrinsic part of life, not just performing repetitive or tedious tasks but highly accurate work such as SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping).

Roboworks now has a global presence, working with Robotshop and Oz Robotics, supplying our products to a world-wide audience. With constant research and development Roboworks has a growing catalogue of robots that are backed with exceptional support – when you have questions, we are there to offer help and guidance.

The continuing growth in the demand for robots and the widening of the spectrum of applications in which robots can be utilised fuels the incessant development of robotics, and at Roboworks, in collaboration with our many partners, we are at the forefront of producing an ever-increasing range of robots for both commercial and educational use.

At the core of our business is the Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR), fundamentally a programmable robot, which in various guises, can perform a wide range of tasks and also provides an ideal platform for further development, dependant on your particular needs. 

Within our selection of robots on wheels sits the Mecabot Pro and the Mecabot Plus, two outstanding examples of omnidirectional mecanum wheel robots offering great flexibility and durability ideally suited to many service industries.

ROS 2 is the latest version of the globally renowned and highly popular operating system and whether you are a first timer, looking to invest in an ROS compatible robot or have considerable experience and require an education robot, we can supply whatever you need. Furthermore, our website contains dozens of tutorials that can help you programme your autonomous robot simply and quickly, with full training programmes covering all aspects of maximising the potential of your mobile robot.

However, should you have a particular difficulty or concern, we are only a phone call away, and one of our team will be on hand and happy to answer any questions that you may have regarding any issues in selecting or operating any of our robots.

Setting new standards in the world of the Autonomous Mobile Robot is the recently released Unitree B2 that sits proudly at the top of the range of quadruped robots presented by Roboworks. Exceeding performance levels of other four-legged robots significantly in terms of pay load, endurance, mobility and speed the Unitree B2 is a truly groundbreaking development and is aimed towards users who really require the ultimate robot for industrial applications or serious research.

An alternative (and specially designed) robot dog for education and research is the Unitree Go2 Edu which is ideally suited for classroom situations, the extra I/O ports facilitating further independent software development. But if you prefer a ROS robot that is ready to serve as a pet or companion straight ‘from the box’ then the Unitree Go2 Pro or Air will fit the bill.

However, the Roboworks catalogue of Autonomous Robots is not restricted to four legged robots, as there is also a wide selection of Wheelbots which includes robots for particular commercial applications, such as the Pickerbot, a mecanum wheel robot, many of which have been in use for years, and of course those which are designated for use as an education robot.

Roboworks are at the forefront of expanding the boundaries of robotics and are constantly developing new technologies that will find an ever increasing number of commercial, industrial and domestic applications whilst also championing the use of the programmable robot for education and research, nurturing a new generation of robotics engineers and users.

As an innovative forward-thinking enterprise, Quest are continually exploring new avenues of advancement in the field of semiconductors which already play a highly significant part in many modern industries. Electric vehicles and renewable energy sources are current topics of great interest and Quest have established themselves at the forefront of developing new technologies that facilitate their growth. Industries such as these will have an impact on society for years to come and Quest are proud to be so heavily involved with advancements that will help secure our futures and those of our children.

With a developing global reputation and already prominent within the Australian and Asian market, Quest manufacture and supply a wide variety of homogeneous SiC Schottky diodes to a diverse range of industries who take benefit from the ongoing Quest search for more efficient options. Another such example of Quest technology is with the production and recent launch of the QSA4E12ON50:1200V Field Stop TCIGBT (Trench Clustered Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) which supersedes the IGBT with particular benefits to applications involving motor drives and inverters.

Our selection of power semiconductors is available in packaged devices, wafer or in bare die form and are offered in options from 650V through to 4500V with appropriate choices of 8, 10, 15 20A, dependant upon your needs. 

In addition, Quest produce a selection of fast switching with low EMI/RMI MOSFET devices which are enhancing technology, especially where electrical signals need amplifying and or switching.

If you or your company share our passion for driving technological progress in the field of semiconductors, we would love to hear from you.

As the world of robotics continues to expand with technological advances and ongoing research opening up new applications and uses for robots, Roboworks is at the forefront of bringing new generations of the Autonomous Mobile Robot to the global market.

With a collection of wheeled robots suitable for use in commercial enterprises or for education and development, featuring models such as the entry level ROS compatible robot, the Rosbot, juxtaposed with the highly regarded Pickerbot Pro, which has many commercial applications, you will find a programmable robot that meets your needs. And within this selection of wheelbots you will find the Mecabot family of robots, variations of an omnidirectional mecanum wheel robot which can easily be integrated into a wide range commercial applications or alternatively utilised as an outstanding education robot.

Alongside wheelbots, Roboworks proudly presents the eye catching but highly functional range of legbots (a quadruped robot) and whilst currently a limited selection still offers a broad spectrum of uses. For entertainment and fun is the Unitree Go2 which can fulfil the role of a pet, and at the other end of the scale is the Unitree B2 which is aimed at serious research and development projects and will prove to be ideal in many applications.

Laden with high level software and hardware, Roboworks will have an ROS robot for you whether you are seeking a ready to use service robot or a robot dog for research or education purposes, and with full customer support and dozens of tutorials freely available why look anywhere else?

Whilst there are many practical applications for the Autonomous Mobile Robot within a range of industries such as agriculture, mining and customer service, education and research remains a significant channel for the range of Roboworks’ wheeled and quadruped robots.

Amongst the impressive collection of our Wheelbots you will find the modestly priced range of Rosbots, each of which will serve perfectly as an education robot, a fully programmable ROS robot that offers an excellent platform for further development in schools, universities and commercial settings. Alongside this collection we also present a mecanum wheel robot, laden with an impressive array of software and capabilities that makes the Mecabot an ideal starting point for those seeking to progress their understanding and knowledge of robotics or wish to cultivate a mobile robot for their own specific needs. Purchasing between 3 and 5 identical mobile robots as a Robofleet will give you the opportunity to save up to 50% on the cost of purchasing the same number of robots individually.

The Legbot selection of Roboworks robots, currently consists of four Unitree robot dogs, from the introductory level Unitree Go2 and Unitree Go2 Edu, of which the latter has been designed specifically as a robot dog for research and education, to the top of the range Unitree B2 your needs for an AMR can be met here at Roboworks. And in conjunction with our partners at Robotshop our products are now available not just here in the Asia Pacific region but in North America, UK and Europe.

In collaboration with our partners at Robotshop, the largest online robotics store in the world, here at Roboworks, we are bringing our wonderful selection of robots to not only the Australian market but also to Europe, North American and the Pacific Asia region.

Amongst our ever-expanding catalogue of wheeled, quadruped and biped robots, is what is widely considered to be the best value for money humanoid robot on the market, the Unitree G1. This remarkable robot is available in 5 iterations, from the Basic (which does not support secondary development) and four versions of the EDU model – Standard, Plus, Smart and Ultimate.

The Gi stands at approximately 127cm and weighs in at 37kg, so is easily portable when not in use, and all versions feature software such as WIFI, 4G and Bluetooth connectivity, hand held remote control, depth camera and 360° LiDAR that facilitates the GIs use for entertaining interactions as well as performing tasks within an industrial setting. 

At the top of the range, the Edu Ultimate features 43 degrees of freedom (the Basic has 23) and two Dex3-1 force controlled 3 finger dextrous hands which can simulate the actions of human hands to perform precise operations, making this a truly versatile humanoid robot.

Other than the basic model the G1 is ideal for further development and provides a superb platform for further research and development for robotics afficionados of all levels in schools, universities and in industry.

For the G1 and other products from the Unitree stable you can rely on Roboworks to supply your choice of robot.